On Wednesday 17th March 2004 (St. Patricks Day and no doubt I shall have a few Guinness’), I will be taking my Foundation Amateur Radio license exam. I am sure I will pass.
Nowadays you can choose the last 3 letters of the callsign if available but will start M3. I was thinking that some of the following would be possible good selections:-
• GAD (As in Gadget17)
• GIB (From Surname)
• PDG (Initials)
• JCP or DWP (from Work not great selections)
• NOK (As in Nokia)
• AAS (As in All About Symbian)
I am sure others will be thought of in the time until the exam, but I can’t think of anymore right now.
On Saturday 20th March 2004, I shall be flying off to Nice France (with EasyJet to visit my Uncle briefly to collect an Amateur Radio HF transceiver. It’s a Kenwood TS-50