On Sunday 30th, I shall be going along to my first RayNet event.
Shall post here soon with news and maybe photos of the event.
Endeavouring to learn CW – aka G1ZQN
On Sunday 30th, I shall be going along to my first RayNet event.
Shall post here soon with news and maybe photos of the event.
It’s taken since the 2005 HF Convention and a lot of chats saying we need a system like this but we are finally in a stage to proudly launch our site.
We started with a Wiki idea, but although the idea was interesting, it was too much work, so now we are on the 2nd version of the site. We are now using WordPress, PunBB, and Bicubica testing system. At time of writing each system has own login. We are working on a way to have 1 login for all public systems.
2E0TZO – Paul & M3PHP – Peter
This morning I took delivery of my QSL cards. They are better than ordered, I think as there was a delay, UX5UO Print added a second colour. If you have had a QSO with me I shall be starting to write them shortly. First, Special Cards, (for Friends), then International cards, Local Club (inc. Members), and lastly other UK QSOs. I think I may also have some help from my sister to write them, although will cost me (Hopefully not too much). Well, back to work!