Here I am writing this post (although will add later) during the Practical Wireless 144MHz 2m contest. We are helping the local Scout Group and using the Club call GX7SAC/P.
We are not looking for the top score, but to get some scouts interested in Amateur Radio who will be taking their Foundation Licence Course and Exam soon.
The Rigs used include Yaesu FT-817 and Yaesu FT-290 as they can do the required Max of 3watts. Antennas we used included 2 Beams (a smaller one until we could get the large beam erected) and a collinear.
At time of writing about half way through we had about 16 contacts including one over 200kms.
As I post this at the end of the day, we got a meagre 23 contacts but enjoyed the day, and both the Scouts and the adult organisers had fun. Will we submit score to PW? Who Knows it wasn’t an incredible score, but watch out won day we will compete seriously.