M2W in IARU HF World Championships

Contest         : IARU HF World Championships
Callsign        : M2W
Mode            : PHONE
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : Low Power (LP)
Zone/State/…  : 27
Locator         : IO91VJ
Operating time  : 7h45

160     0   0   0   0       0  0.00
80     3   0   1   2       5  1.67
40    21   0   4  13      33  1.57
20    79   0  10  23     201  2.54
15    27   0   4  10      55  2.04
10    14   0   3   6      28  2.00
TOTAL   144   0  22  54     322  2.24
TOTAL SCORE : 24 472

Dupes are not included in QSO counts neither avg calculations

Operators       : M0TZO

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Was active in the IARU HF World Championships as M2W from Midday (UTC) Saturday 12th July – about 8am (UTC) Sunday 13th July, by which time I was knackered.

I could have probably done as little better, but was also looking after my 9 year old nephew.

Was my first big scale HF contest on my own, although I was going to do with Peter M3PHP, but he had a medical emergency (he is better now).

Equipment used:-

  • Icom IC-756ProIII
    • Yaesu FT-897 for a few contacts on 80m as had better ATU
  • Icom SM-20 Desk Mic
  • WinTest Logging Software (but RigExpert S/D wouldn’t work, so manual band changes)
  • Laptop to keep Nephew amused for hours quietly

OK, wasn’t the best entry, and will not win any awards, but I did better than my CQ WPX entry were I got Zero entries.