Trying to work K5D

I am not as active on the Radio as I should be.

I spend more time helping people with & than my own pursuits of that next elusive DXCC.

So have spent some time (and money) this week, trying to work K5D. But boy has it been tough.

To start with finding a place on the bands I can hear K5D. Usually I get static. The one time I can hear him he is working numbers. 5, 6, 7, 8 and that’s about an hour gone.

I also made a few purchases in case can try to work data as my setup wasn’t complete. From G4ZLP I ordered a Icom lead for my DigiMaster Comport, an Icom CI-V lead and a USB soundcard. All working great now, and good value at £31.47 ($45.50 approx) for the 3 items including delivery.

So hopefully with a few days left still of the K5D operation, I am still hopeful.

I also ordered (but not arrived) and CW key for my FT-817 & CW PC interface from BullDog iambic keys.

Finally sorted the blog out as an upgrade left the theme not working. Also my HRD (Ham Radio Deluxe) text thing stopped working.

This is now uploaded to my mini Linux server and the one file is served from there. It’s now proudly on display at the top of the page above the header image.

Usual new year post like every other blog

Well it’s another new year, and like other blogs, and myself at the start of a new year I feel compelled to write a post with my thoughts for 2009.

So I already have some plans for the coming year.

Firstly in the next few days I should have my new USA Technician Callsign. I will then apply for a Vanity call as I know which one I want.

I am saving some money in the form of Thomas Cook vouchers so I can hopefully get to Dayton in May. Adam WY4N has offered to pay for the hotel room (and his guests help with a small monetary donation, which is cool to me). Also need to save some spending money.

In the next few days I should be getting my newly purchased Yaesu FT-817. OK, it’s only 5w, but if at the time years ago I couldn’t have afforded the FT-897 I would have got the FT-817. I guess I have always wanted one.

Now, D-Star??? I was thinking about getting a D-Star radio, but as it’s still in it’s infancy I will leave this technology for now. Maybe later in the year I might look at this again, but for now D-Star is not for me.

Finally before I go some websites I am working on or am hosting, please check em out:-

And many more!

Have a Happy new Year, and keep reading.

Thanks for the Shoutout Dom

Was just shown the following video.

Amateur Radio, the Internet and the Future

Playing with the new WebSDR service this week got me thinking about the future of amateur radio, and how far we should take linking the hobby to the internet.
This is kind of long, and sort of serious, but do let me know what you think.

(Disclaimer: All comments are personal opinions only. Particularly where I talk about award schemes, this is not a reflection of Islands on the Air or RSGB policy)

  • Also if you also check it out from 6:15 or there abouts is given a mention. Thanks Dom M0BLF. Awarded the Kenwood Trophy

G3PSM, M0TZO, M3PHPIt is 21:00 & I am starting to write this heading back to London on the train from Bristol.

The RSGB AGM is over and Peter M3PHP & myself have finally collected our Kenwood Trophy for “making significant contributions to Training and Development in Amateur Radio within the United Kingdom” to from the RSGB board.

The rest of the day was also interesting at the AGM, although the open forum session in the afternoon proved very interesting to hear member’s views and getting answers from the board.

To finish off the evening we went for dinner with Iain M0PCB, Chloe (M0GEJ), Paul (M3JFM) and Terry (G0LUQ).

RSGB Kenwood Trophy 2008 award winners

So am on my tea-break and check my text messages and find the following from Peter (M3PHP):-

  • Myself and @Gadget17 have been awarded the RSGB Kenwood Trophy for significant contribution to training in providing Woohoo! (via Twitter magicbug)

I have to call him and find out and he tells me that this morning he woke up to find not only had RSGB Radcom arrived but a letter from the RSGB, on further inspection it turns out that the RSGB Board have awarded Paul (M0TZO) & myself the ‘Kenwood Trophy’ for our significant contribution to training in providing the website which offers mock questions for all levels of licences. (copied in part from following Peter M3PHP post)

We are of course very proud to be awarded the Kenwood Trophy and will be attending the RSGB AGM which takes place in Bristol on the 19th April 2008 and commences at 11am.

If you are going to the AGM do say hello you can’t miss us, and of course checkout