RSGB Kenwood Trophy 2008 award winners

So am on my tea-break and check my text messages and find the following from Peter (M3PHP):-

  • Myself and @Gadget17 have been awarded the RSGB Kenwood Trophy for significant contribution to training in providing Woohoo! (via Twitter magicbug)

I have to call him and find out and he tells me that this morning he woke up to find not only had RSGB Radcom arrived but a letter from the RSGB, on further inspection it turns out that the RSGB Board have awarded Paul (M0TZO) & myself the ‘Kenwood Trophy’ for our significant contribution to training in providing the website which offers mock questions for all levels of licences. (copied in part from following Peter M3PHP post)

We are of course very proud to be awarded the Kenwood Trophy and will be attending the RSGB AGM which takes place in Bristol on the 19th April 2008 and commences at 11am.

If you are going to the AGM do say hello you can’t miss us, and of course checkout