Well Sods law. Now I have a phone again, Mitsubishi Trium, the only message I have received is saying I have won some money (LOL) and I need to call a £1pm line!
I may be stupid losing my phone, but I am not that stupid! 🙂
Endeavouring to learn CW – aka G1ZQN
I was told yesterday after phoning Lifeline (Carphone Warehouse Insurance People) that would cost me £29.99 to get new phone. So today I headed down to Carphone Warehouse with the £40.00 left in my bank till payday. Everything seems fine till they say I will also need to pay the first month premium, as although I had been a Lifeline customer for a number of years, as I had just purchased the new phone recently, I still had the first premium to pay on this new Insurance!
£29.99 (insurance excess) + £23.99 (first Months premium) = More than £40.00 I have! * OUCH *
So, I will have to use the money I had saved to go to the All About Symbian pub meet and hope another will be organised soon, or I will have to raise a few quid through other sources! (i.e. Generous Grandparents!). All I ask that if anyone goes, and I do not, get some photos! 🙂
Even worse, I got a loan phone. A Mitisubishi Trium