Music Suggestions

I left the office I was at for 7 1/2 years on Friday and will be starting later this morning.

As a leaving present I was giving a £40.00 HMV gift card, but am lost as to what to spend it on.

Some ideas include:-

  • Coldpay – X&Y
  • Jeff Wayne – War of the World
  • Faithless – Greatest Hits
  • Fleetwood Mac – Rumours
  • Pink Floyd – Division Bell (&/or Pulse but costs £30+)
  • Vanessa Mae – The Ultimate Vanessa Mae

I know this is a rather eclectic mix, but I have always had odd tastes in music. I may just go in and buy compilation box-sets instead. I would also enjoy some sort of Driving music/ballads. Who Knows?

Anyone got any ideas?

UPDATE:- I Ended up getting an I-SCREAM 1GB MP3 Player.

New Years Eve

Firstly I would like to wish any readers (although I doubt there’s many), a Happy New Year. I would suggest making the News Years resolution “Not To Make Any New Years Resolutions” and I am sure you will be able to keep it.

I will be off to the Pub on New Years Eve and found out that a band called Roadhouse will be playing. Quote from Roadhouse Website:-
Wednesday December 31st, on a magical New Years Eve why not join us at The Fielder and Firkin, lower High St Sutton, near Burger King. This venue is trying very hard to put the life in Sutton, so come and show your support. Music from 9.45 till the New Year arrives.

Most of the Bands that The Fielder and Firkin get to play are petty good, so I am in no doubt I will be having a good night.

To find some good UK pubs if not in Sutton area, then check out Campaign for Real Ale web site.

And for the Morning after don’t forget the Alka-Seltzer. Live from my friend Deb in Canada is another possible hangover cure, which she claims works called a Ceasar. Enjoy!

Time Capsules

My mind was wandering (Thanks to a BBC news article) just a few minutes ago back to the time I was going to my After School Play Group.

With the help of some local Police Officers, a number of Wooden Play Structures were built, but what I was thinking about was the Time Capule we buried under one of the Posts.

Have you ever been invovled in a Time Capsule project (reply to Guest Book)?? I remeber we added a Video tape, Music Tape, a Local Newspaper, Some Small toys (I think a Yo-Yo was there in thing then) and some other stuff, possibly a Plan of the Structure.