Thanks for the Shoutout Dom

Was just shown the following video.

Amateur Radio, the Internet and the Future

Playing with the new WebSDR service this week got me thinking about the future of amateur radio, and how far we should take linking the hobby to the internet.
This is kind of long, and sort of serious, but do let me know what you think.

(Disclaimer: All comments are personal opinions only. Particularly where I talk about award schemes, this is not a reflection of Islands on the Air or RSGB policy)

  • Also if you also check it out from 6:15 or there abouts is given a mention. Thanks Dom M0BLF.

Next Step to Learning Morse

I attended the Kempton Radio Rally on 6th April and made a few purchases including the book pictured.

The hope is that I can finally get my head around to learning “the code”.

Few ideas I have from the book already so maybe change the setup of the software I am using to the order suggested in the book.

Made a few other purchases including:-

  • 2x Patch leads
  • Yaesu power lead (for FT-897 charger)
  • Boom microphone / earphone for FT-60
  • 8Gb USB memory stick
  • Self-amalgamating tape
  • 2x Banana Plugs (1x red, 1x black)
  • 2x PL259s for RG58
  • Even more out of thin air (for friend)

RSGB Kenwood Trophy 2008 award winners

So am on my tea-break and check my text messages and find the following from Peter (M3PHP):-

  • Myself and @Gadget17 have been awarded the RSGB Kenwood Trophy for significant contribution to training in providing Woohoo! (via Twitter magicbug)

I have to call him and find out and he tells me that this morning he woke up to find not only had RSGB Radcom arrived but a letter from the RSGB, on further inspection it turns out that the RSGB Board have awarded Paul (M0TZO) & myself the ‘Kenwood Trophy’ for our significant contribution to training in providing the website which offers mock questions for all levels of licences. (copied in part from following Peter M3PHP post)

We are of course very proud to be awarded the Kenwood Trophy and will be attending the RSGB AGM which takes place in Bristol on the 19th April 2008 and commences at 11am.

If you are going to the AGM do say hello you can’t miss us, and of course checkout

iPod Nano owner

Blue iPod Nano 2nd Gen 4GbOK, I said I wouldn’t get an iPod for a long while, but have finally joined the iPod community. It’s not a new machine, but was from shop that buys & sells them second-hand.

The model I purchased was a Blue 2nd generation iPod Nano with 4Gb of storage.

I have already almost filled the unit with my stuff.

I started with Pink Floyd’s – Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd, the some other stuff including Ministry of Sound, M-People, Mike Oldfield & Jean Michel Jarre albums.

iPod Nano ScreenTo do with Amateur Radio I added a Morse Code tuition course, but realised this would be a problem when I used the random shuffle feature. A program was soon found and the files converted to AudioBook format. This took over an hour, but now happily enjoying my morse training.

Other features have also been put to use, including my contacts, and calendar events.

Foundation License Here I Come

After sending numerous e-mails to Amateur Radio Clubs I have finally had 2 come back offering courses. After confirming my details to both, I have finally got a start date and amazingly it’s tomorrow.

The Whitton Amateur Radio Group is a fair distance away, but I think will be worth it as my local Radio club (The Sutton And Cheam Radio Society) cannot offer the course.

I have been swotting up by reading my Foundation Licence – Now (See Bottom of Page), and shall take to work to swot up some more.